Lernen Sie unser Team kennen!
Unsere Experten sind die treibende Kraft hinter Ihrem Erfolg. Mit Leidenschaft, Kreativität und jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung setzen sie alles daran, Ihre Visionen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.
Geschäftsführung / Betriebsleitung

Ing. Wolfgang Kraschitzer
Managing Director / CEO

Ing. Wolfgang Kraschitzer
Managing Director / CEO
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+4338623375015
- Email:wolfgang.kraschitzer@distech-group.com

Ing. Christian Feigele
Plant Manager / COO

Ing. Christian Feigele
Plant Manager / COO
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+4338623375025
- Email:christian.feigele@distech-group.com
Ansprechpartner - Additive Fertigung

Dr. Christian Pfeifer
Supervisor - Additiv Manufacturing

Dr. Christian Pfeifer
Supervisor - Additiv Manufacturing
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+4338623375061
- Email:christian.pfeifer@distech-group.com

Dominik Breitschopf
Additiv Manufacturing - Plastics

Dominik Breitschopf
Additiv Manufacturing - Plastics
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+4338623375031
- Email:dominik.breitschopf@distech-group.com

Matyàs Tàlas
Additiv Manufacturing - Metal

Matyàs Tàlas
Additiv Manufacturing - Metal
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+4338623375062
- Email:matyas.talas@distech-group.com
Ansprechpartner - Mechanische Bearbeitung

Roland Eckl
Supervisor - Mechanical Production

Roland Eckl
Supervisor - Mechanical Production
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+4338623375021
- Email:roland.eckl@distech-group.com
Ansprechpartner - Qualität

Christoph Faschingbauer
Supervisor - Quality / Quality Manager

Christoph Faschingbauer
Supervisor - Quality / Quality Manager
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
Ansprechpartner - Konstruktion

Markus Öhler

Markus Öhler
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
- Phone:+4338623375032
- Email:markus.oehler@distech-group.com